a new thing

do i really learn a new thing everyday?

Thursday, July 22, 2004

learn to learn

today's new thing was an easy one. a quick visit to dictionary.com to learn the definition of the word 'learn'.


learn (lûrn)
v. learned, also learnt (lûrnt) learn·ing, learns
v. tr.
  1. To gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or study.
  2. To fix in the mind or memory; memorize: learned the speech in a few hours.
    1. To acquire experience of or an ability or a skill in: learn tolerance; learned how to whistle.
    2. To become aware: learned that it was best not to argue.
  3. To become informed of; find out. See Synonyms at discover.
  4. Nonstandard. To cause to acquire knowledge; teach.
  5. Obsolete. To give information to.

i thought that seeing as my plan is to log any new things that i learn then i should really get a definition of the word learn. i wasn't aware previously that learning can mean to become aware. i am aware of it now and therefore i have learnt it. wow, so far the phrase is true, i have learnt something new every day (at least yesterday and today anyway!). lets see how the rest of the week goes!
