a new thing

do i really learn a new thing everyday?

Monday, August 23, 2004

last night and today

i was right when i said that i'd probably learn something new at the quiz. aren't i a clever boy :) however, i think i need to work on it a bit more before i can promote myself to the level of psychic.

so, what did i learn? i'm sure all three of you are dying to find out and one of them already knows the answer cos she (wilma) was sat next to me. what i learnt was the answer to the following question:

question: which vegetable is more often sold cooked than raw?
my answer: potato (eg chips, crisps, waffles etc)
real answer: beetroot

beetroot? that's what i thought as well... seems odd, doesn't it?! well, i don't know where pubman pat gets his info from but he says every week at the quiz that he's always right so it must be true. so i guess that means i have learnt that beetroot is sold more pre-cooked than raw or that pubman pat is an evil liar aiming to take over the world with his beetroot lies. either way i learnt something.

and, so, on to today...

my line-manager's line-manager came to see me this morning with some kind of job offer. it was all verbal but she said if i was interested she can get things sorted and in writing for when i get back from me jollies (tr: "my holidays"). it actually sounded quite good - i'd spend half my time working as a research technician and the other half as a teaching technician - now that probably sounds really dull to most people but it's actually a good thing!

i need to order my tickets for bowling for soup as well... (i thought if i write it here then it'll help me to remember!)
